Will of Eliz. Woodson Gilliam Putney Shores | Gilliams of Virginia

Will of Elizabeth Woodson GILLIAM Putney Shores
Dated 16 Jan 1847, Produced 23 Jan 1854
Updated November 25, 2022

In the name of God Amen. I, Elizabeth Shores of the County of Fluvanna and State of Virginia being of sound and disposing mind and body do make this to be my last Will and Testament as follows: that is to say, I desire that my body may be buried at the direction of my Executrix hereinafter named, and I direct that all my just bets be paid out of my Estate as soon after my decease as my be convenient.

First. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Johnson a Negro Woman named Lucy and her six children and future increase and a Negro Woman named Mary and her child also her future increase, to her the said Elizabeth Johnson and her heirs forever.

Second. I direct that certain bonds now in the hands of William Tompkins my agent for the sale of my interest in the estate of my husband the late Thomas Shores, dec'd and for the hire of certain Negroes, if not collected before be collected by my Executrix after my decease and after paying all just claims against my Estate, I direct that my Executrix pay the balance if any of the proceeds of said bonds to my three sons namely James GILLIAM, Charles M. GILLIAM and Albert N. GILLIAM, to each one his equal share, which I give and bequeath to them and their heirs forever.

To prevent any misconstruction of the preceding item in this my last Will and Testament it may be proper to state that of the above named bonds the larger portion of the amount is against Col. Martin Tutwiler, that said Martin Tutwiler sometime since purchased for me the Negro Woman Lucy and her children above named, he holding the claim for same purchase as an offset against my said bonds against him. Now it is expressly my Will that said Tutwilers’s said claim and all other just claims against my Estate shall be settled out of the proceeds of said bonds before any distribution of the balance be made among my three sons as before directed.

And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said daughter Elizabeth Johnson sole executrix of this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all former and other wills and Testaments by me at any time heretofore made and I desire that my said Executrix may not be required to give security in her administration of my estate.

In Witness whereof to this my last will and testament I have set my hand and seal this the 10 day of January in the year 1847.

Signed sealed published Elizabeth [her X mark] Shores

And declared in the presence of
M. B. Shepherd
Catharine Johnson
James M. Johnson

At a Court of monthly Session held for Fluvanna County at the Courthouse thereof on Monday the 23rd day of January 1854.

This will was third day presented in Court and proved by the oaths of Martin B. Shepherd and James M. Johnson two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Elizabeth Johnson the executrix therein named in who make oath thereto as the law direct and (no security being requested agreeably to the directions of the aid will) entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of sixteen thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs, certificate is granted her for obtaining in probate thereof in one form.
Abra. Shepherd

14 slaves worth $5375
10 Bonds, all of Martin Tutwiler.

  • Fluvanna County, VA, Will Book 7 (1852-1856), page 130,
  • Fluvanna County, VA, Inventory, Book 7, page 219